バイクの整備日誌 Motorcycle maintenance? Diary 今乗っているNC700Xは、購入時からナックルガードがついていたけど、なくしてみるまで存在価値が分かっていませんでした。 My NC700X had had knuckle guards when I bought this, so hadn't known their value until I lost them. 翌冬(2020暮れ)になって、なぜ全く同じ装備で昨冬はなかった手の冷えを今年は感じるのか考えていました。 The next winter, I noticed my hand feels so colder than the last winter even with the same equipment. そうだ、ナックルガードだ! Then finally found it's because of the lack of knuckle guards. とは思ったもののナックルガードが意外に高かったので自作することにしました。何か良いアイディアは無いものかと100円ショップをぐるぐるしていると、使えそうなものを発見! But knuckle guards are much more expensive than I expected. So I decided to try to make ones by myself and went to 100yen shop to look for something useful. Then I found "something"! 工作時間は、ナックルガードの台座がつけっぱなしなので20分程度でした。 It took only 20 minutes to make and install them coz there are knuckle guard mounts. しかし取付けてみると、やはりチリトリ感が拭えない… It looks very... dustpans. NC700Xに合うように赤く塗ってみました、これならチリトリには見えないだろ! So I've painted them red to match my NC700X, they look very nice...
中国無期延長 Beijing, again!
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[日本語] [ENG] [中文] I'm now in Seoul, waiting for a transfer plane, will arrive in Beijing in a couple of hours! Chinese working visa application was too complicated, it took fifty days! Anyway finally i'll start to work in Beijing from next Monday. I'll stay nearby Renmin Univ, it's not very far from CAU, so will visit CAU once in a while. See you guys I took these pics in Hondoji-temple which is located nearby my home. Its nickname is 'Hydrangea temple'. 中国滞在は延長戦に入りました。 向こうで仕事が決まったので、当分しばらくは向こうにいるつもりです。 首切られてすぐ逃げ帰ってくるのか、永住するのか。 そもそも職場で自分の英語と北京語が通じるのかイマイチ自信が持てないし、考えてみればビジネス日本語や日本のビジネスマナーだって怪しいもんだし、右も左も分からないので不安でしょうがないのですが、年取ってからのチャレンジはもっと難しくなるだろうし、仕事は面白そうなので此処で頑張ってみようと思います。 年に一回くらいは帰ってきます。近いし。では。 我在首尔等换乘的飞机,快要到北京。 中国的工作签证的手续太复杂,花了很多钱,好长时间。终于我拿到了! 下星期一在北京开始工作。 期待和不安交错的心情! 这些照片是我老家附近的本土寺。这家寺庙的绰号是绣球花寺。漂亮吧!
Spring Festival 春节快乐 旧正月
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Chinese Spring Festival 去旧友家过年 I've cerebrated Chinese Spring Festival with Chinese old friends and their relatives! I met them in January 2008. It was snowing and deadly cold, i lost my way, my bicycle was broken. I was almost crying. Then two cyclist appeared to help me. YangYang and GuoDong. They invited me to YangYang's home, that it is 2days distance from the point we met. YangYang's mom even washed my clothes which i hadn't washed for 2 month. She was really surprised how dirty my clothes were! http://leap-before-look.blogspot.co.uk/2008/01/blog-post_23.html 31st Jan - 4th Feb in GuoDong's home, sweet chestnut farmer's house! I'd stayed there 4days and did nothing but eat dumpling, drink Baijiu, play mah-jong and watch TV. I enjoyed this very traditional and local spring festival! 4th Feb - now in YangYang's home, gorgeous condominium in urban area! YangYang's mom washed my clothes again. hahaha 6 years ago, i made a promise that we would meet...
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now i stay in the Capital of Somaliland, aka part of Somaliland. i heard that Somalia was like a warring states period, but Somaliland is pretty safe. i feel that she's much safer than China. my hotel is centrally-located and at next to a mosque, so i can hear the azan and the preach very very clearly from am 5 to 6. i was so happy to hear the laud sermon that i wasnt able to fall asleep. btw, last night i finally found how to use google map on iPhone while offline. but i'll leave for China three days later. 自称国家ソマリランド首都のハルゲイサにいます。 よくソマリアはリアル戦国時代とかいわれてましたけど、ソマリランドは無茶安全だとガイドブックは言ってます。 実際、ヨーロッパ並みかそれ以上に安全だと感じます。 中国とか比較にならないです。 ところで、昨日ついにグーグルマップをオフラインでiPhoneで使う方法がわかったのに三日後帰国、意味ね〜 写真は宿から撮った写真で、市場の中に住んでる感じ。そしてお隣がモスク。 早朝5〜6時にはアザーンと有難い説教のお言葉をそれはそれは臨場感たっぷりに拝聴できます。 有難過ぎて欠伸がとまりません。 我在Somaliland的首都,Hargeisa。 听说索马里在群雄割据的战国时代,但是Somaliland比中国安全得多。 某旅游人说这是在非洲最安全的国家。 还要这里的上网速度比留学生公寓的快,我能看Gmail,Facebook。 这张照片是我在旅馆房顶平台拍的。 这旅馆在市场,外面很热闹。 还有我能听azan和可贵的说教非常清楚从那家清真寺早上五点到六点。 我挺舒服得睡眠不足。
Back from Danakil depression
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i came back from Danakil depression. it's so beautiful and interesting. there are many many strange things. i saw volcano from ringside, salt trafficker with camel at salt lake and sulphate spring like a hell. these are really impressive. worth to visit. ill update these pictures later. ダナキル砂漠、無茶苦茶面白い場所でした。 中国に帰ったら 写真をアップします。 ちなみにツアー代は3泊4日で500ドル… 貯金が尽きそう
Near-miss with prime minister Abe of Japan at the airport in Addis Ababa
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Many Ethiopian guys asked me "Why don't you go to meet with Abe?" me "He doesn't invite me." "Why?" me "Coz he isn't my friend. Have you met Ethiopian president?" Tomorrow ill go to the hottest and the most beautiful (i hope so) desert. I got ethiopian SIM card. I'd like to write down my number, just in case. 0937 80 3867